The one and only "Doodle Ritz" down on the farm.  Construction has been completed and my furry ladies are loving their new home!  Our females live a luxurious life here on the Doodle Ridge, in floor heating and everything antio-microbial, filled with days of running the fields, playing chase in the pine beds and soothed to sleep with spa music that reasonates through their safe haven!   The corners are filled with live green plants and truly is an Oasis filled with playmates, toys and luxuries, only a dog could dream of!   This unique home is the foundation to the comforts that help breed and raise amazing puppies that grace your home, a calm comfortable environment makes the foundation stable for the new puppies!  There is nothing like a Millersburg Paws Doodle!  Each puppy goes through a rigourous training program filled with introductions and exciting challenges to enhance their "first experiences".   

We have blessed these lovely fur babies with a home like no other!   The Mr of the Homestead  wants to incorporate TV's and lifestyle living so the family can hang with our amazing loves!    We invite your family to share in the slice of heaven we get to spend our days within, loving on our dogs!